Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Journal Entry #7.0 - Madhouse Chronicles

I made a new hobby. Through the course of my boredom, I found myself searching for horror stories. Even though I'm a scaredy-cat, I still enjoy reading them for some reason. The first ever horror stories that I read on the internet are Creepypastas, and the ones I've read are very entertaining. 

That's why I tried making some horror stories myself, inspired from Matt Dymerski's "The Asylum" series. I entitled it Madhouse Chronicles and I currently have three stories in this series. It will be about the maniacs inside a particular asylum dubbed "the Madhouse". It'll go on as long as I get ideas for stories, but for now, you can see the three stories I made here on my blog. Enjoy!

Monday, January 9, 2017

Journal Entry #6.0 - I have returned.

Hello guys.

And I hope it stays that way. SERIOUSLY.

I'll try to stick with my commitments even though I really suck at them, blogging included.

I'm going to rebuild the blog soon, and I'm gonna upload the horror series I wrote titled "Madhouse Chronicles" soon.